These folks put hours of their own time into making things run as smooth as possible for the rest of us.
Whilst we encourage you to get in touch with them regarding questions or concerns you may have, please be mindful of their time. If you are unsure who you need to contact, or if you pref email, please us contact page to get your message to us.
David Roberts
0439 338 577
Vice President Boys
Glen Rigg
Vice President Girls
Meagan McSween
0431 254 309
Naomi Ross
Secretary -Assist
Mel Cooper
0403 018 391
General Roles
Meagan McSween
0431 254 309
Equipment Manager
Craig Kenins
0438 082 978
Merchadise Manager
Melissa Rigg
0403 486 772
Game Day Awards
Naomi Ross
Coaches Coordinator
Chris Tesoriero
0438 385 319
TM Coordinator
Andrea Myers
AusKick Coordinator
Craig Kenins
0438 082 978
General Members
Ben Nelson, Dave Crunden, Elise McGuiness, Cameron Gale, Kerry Long